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British English Language Simplifier: Episode 1 Food and Weight loss 

BEL Simplifier: British English Language Simplifier: Episode 1 Food and Weight loss 

– Study: Research or investigation.

– Substituting: Replacing one thing with another.

– Regular meal: Typical food you consume.

– Commercially available: Obtainable in stores.

– Meal replacements: Food or beverages that substitute a regular meal.

– Reduction: The act of making something smaller or less.

– Food intake: The quantity of food consumed.

– Weight loss: The process of shedding pounds.

– Energy: The energy your body derives from food.

– Effectiveness: How well something functions.

– High protein: Foods abundant in protein.

– Fiber content: The quantity of fiber in food.

– Lower energy content: Fewer calories.

– Appetite: The sensation of hunger.

– Overweight: Exceeding a healthy weight.

– Obese: Extremely overweight.

– Populations: Groups of individuals.

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