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Bitesize Gkall British English Level 2 Episode 2 – Health -Code: GKALLBEL2E2

Understanding Health 

Health is an integral aspect of life, encompassing physical, mental, and social well-being, as highlighted by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Aspects of Health

Health has multiple dimensions: physical health, mental health, and social health.

1. Physical Health: This component concerns the body’s overall functionality, influenced by diet, physical activity, adequate rest, and preventive care.

2. Mental Health:This facet involves our emotional and psychological well-being. It shapes how we process thoughts, manage feelings, and interact with the world.

3. Social Health: This domain is about one’s ability to forge and sustain meaningful relationships. It involves understanding appropriate social behaviour.

Several factors can impact health, including our genetic makeup, environment, lifestyle choices, and access to healthcare. 

Preventive measures like vaccinations, regular screenings, and maintaining healthy habits are critical for sustaining good health.

The future of health will likely focus on personalised medicine, advancements in technology, and a holistic approach to overall wellness.


1. Integral: Essential or fundamental.

2. Encompassing: Including all aspects.

3. Component: A part or element.

4. Facet: Aspect or phase.

5. Domain: A specified sphere of activity or knowledge.

6. Forge: Establish (a relationship or new conditions) with effort.

7. Preventive measures: Actions taken to prevent diseases.

8. Personalised medicine: Tailoring of medical treatment to the individual characteristics of each patient.

9. Holistic: Characterised by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.


1. British English Vocabulary: ‘Forge’ in ‘forge and sustain meaningful relationships’ is a common term in British English, used to describe the process of establishing relationships.

2. Grammar Rules: The use of present simple tense for stating facts, such as in ‘Health has multiple dimensions…’.

3. Pronunciation: The word ‘facet’ is pronounced /ˈfæsɪt/ in British English.

4. Spelling Variations: The word ‘behaviour’ is spelled as ‘behavior’ in American English.

5. Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: The phrase ‘forge relationships’ can be considered a phrasal verb, commonly used in British English.

6. Formal and Informal Language: The language is more formal than in the beginner version, suitable for advanced young adolescents.

7. British Cultural References: The use of WHO’s definition of health adds international and British relevance.

8. Quizzes and Exercises: Ask learners to write a paragraph explaining how they maintain their own health using the new vocabulary.

9. Common Mistakes: The overuse of ‘is’ could be replaced by synonyms such as ‘represents’ or ‘denotes’.

10. British/American English Differences: The spelling of ‘organisation’ and ‘behaviour’ differs in American English (‘organization’, ‘behavior’).

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Gkall British English Language
Level 1 : GKALLBEL1
Level 2 : GKALLBEL2
Level 3 : GKALLBEL3
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