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WordPress Code Snippets Plugin by Code Snippets Pro

Code Snippets Pro is a company that provides a WordPress plugin called Code Snippets. This plugin is an easy, clean and simple way to run code snippets on your site. It removes the need to add custom snippets to your theme’s functions.php file . Code Snippets Pro is now available, with full CSS, JavaScript, Gutenberg and Elementor integrations.

The Code Snippets Company was created by Shea Bunge (Chief Code Crusher) and Verdi Heinz (Chief Pixel Pusher) with the goal of helping web creators customize their websites safely and easily without relying on many plugins or child themes. Although Bunge and Heinz have different areas of expertise, they share the same mission. Bunge is the original creator of the free version of the company’s product in 2012, and he is still actively involved as a 50% owner and plugin developer. Heinz, the other 50% owner, leads the company and the community, and is open to collaborations. Nate Leibzon (Chief Comms) is responsible for product marketing and keeping the team on task, while Atif Riaz (Chief Cloud) oversees Code Snippets Cloud and works with the team on continuous improvements.


Code Snippets Tutorial | Say Goodbye To WordPress Plugins by Ferdy Korpershoek YouTube Channel: 

About Code Snippets Pro 

Code Snippets – WordPress plugin |

15 WordPress Code Snippets Plugins & Syntax Highlighters – MonstersPost.

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▪︎ Code Snippets 

▪︎ Code Snippets Ai: Code snippets are small, reusable blocks of code that can be inserted into a larger program. They are typically used to automate repetitive tasks and to make it easier for developers to quickly implement commonly used functionality. Code snippets can be written in any programming language and can range from simple lines of code to complex algorithms:, the founder of Code Snippets Ai is Stefan Meyer 

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