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Wiki Uk – Northeast – Newcastle city – Clean Air Zone – Charges for non-compliant taxis, buses, coaches and HGVs will start from Monday 30 January 2023.

The zone covers most of Newcastle city centre as well as routes over the Tyne, Swing, High Level and Redheugh Bridges. It only affects buses, coaches, taxis, vans and heavy goods vehicles that do not meet national Clean Air Zone emissions standards. Private cars are not affected. You can check whether your vehicle is affected by the Clean Air Zone using the government’s online vehicle checker

If your vehicle is one of the above types and it does not meet the Clean Air Zone emissions requirements, you can apply for funding to help replace or upgrade it.

Update: 26th Jan 2023 Link: 

■ OTHER REFERENCES: ▪︎ Newcastle Clean Air Zone explained: Where it is, when tolls start, and who has to pay:

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